About COPI’S. Communication art print image sign is the only b2b exhibition for printing and advertising industry in Bulgaria. COPI’S means an opportunity to gather altogether experts, distributors, technologies, media from the printing industry as well as marketers of illuminated, outdoor and souvenirs advertising.

artisJet at COPI’S 2016. In partnership with MRP Trade Ltd, artisJet will display its new A4 LED UV servo driven platform, artis 2100U. Based on artisJet LED UV technology, artis 2100U printer is suitable for different businesses, from home based to office and personalization stores. The adjustable UV LED curing power for bi-direction and uni-direction, the built-in liquid cooling system and the servo driving for Y axis to ensure printing accuracy and quality results are only few of the artisJet’s A4 LED UV platform’s main features.

Discover artis 2100U and artisJet’s latest developments in LED UV technology and meet us at Stand B15, Hall 4 starting from 5 to 7 October 2016 at Inter Expo Center in Sofia, Bulgaria.